Let’s Eat! Book Signing with Grossy Pelosi

When I heard that Dan Pelosi aka Grossy Pelosi, author of the New York Times Bestseller “Let's Eat: 101 Recipes to Fill Your Heart and Home,” was coming to Portland for a book signing, I quickly ordered two tickets for me and my daughter and I’m so glad I did!

Me, the mom, and Dan Pelosi.

We stood in line at the Crate and Barrel in Bridgeport on a sunny late September evening waiting to meet Pelosi— my daughter (along with several others who got the memo) was dressed “on brand” in a red gingham top.

My daughter, who’s always “on brand.”

We had a good chat with the woman in front of us, who happened to be the general manager of the Bridgeport mall, about meeting someone who you feel like you know because you’ve been following them on Instagram. You know them, but they don’t know you. But of course, Dan and I really are friends – at least he makes everyone feel like a friend or family member. I was trying to remember when I found out about him; I knew it was during the pandemic. When I looked back through my Instagram DMs, I found my chat with Dan about lasagna (proof that we are friends) and confirmed that I had first heard of Dan from my daughter.

If you’ve seen Pelosi on IG, one of many podcasts, or maybe Good Morning America, he is exactly the same in real life. He has an exuberant personality and very genuine, warm and kind. Ahh to live in New York and be invited to the Annual Grossy Holiday Cookie Party!

A few words about the book itself

First, let’s have a moment for how Dan’s shirt matches the inside cover of his book. (Apparently his corporate background is in design and I love his marketing talent!)

Dan had shirts made from his tablecloths for his book tour. A man (or mom?) after my own heart.

And how many cookbooks have a centerfold?! Of a “Big Italian Sandwich”?! (Page 145)

The (Big Italian) Sandwich is my centerfold.

One of my favorite features of the “Let’s Eat” book is Pelosi’s inclusion of “Grossy Guides.” Some examples: Cooking for a crowd, storing leftovers, herbs, roasting vegetables, pizza dough, marinara, the perfect sandwich, cooking pasta, meat & fish and baking. My personal favorite (not in the book) is “Grossy’s Guide to Being a Vacation House Mom.” Sure, it’s a bit over the top, but I totally identify with it. I don’t go anywhere without a microplane, my favorite knife, olive oil and flaky salt!

A look at some of the recipes inside

Part of the allure of Dan’s recipes are his descriptions. The recipes indeed fill your heart, with joy and with the warmth of the food. There’s so much to look at in this book, but I chose to start with three bowls of comfort.

First up was the Italian Gay Wedding Soup. Dan explains that this traditional comfort food “gets its name from the Italian phrase minestra maritata (“married soup”) because of the flavor that comes from the marriage of the tastiest little meatballs to the freshest greens.” His version has chicken sausage and rather than escarole or kale, he uses rainbow chard, which, if you don’t use, in Dan’s words, “your soup won’t be, well, gay.”

Italian Gay Wedding Soup simmering on my stovetop. Love the rainbow chard and chicken sausage..

Pastina is “The Italian Cure-All” and is the single-most effective way to fix everything and anything. The recipe is for one, but it’s closer to two servings. It’s a cozy bowl that hits somewhere between carbonara and scrambled eggs. I ate it as an early lunch and was inclined to add some bacon or pancetta.

A first for me — a warm bowl of pastina.

And I couldn’t not make Grossy’s Marinara. The goal for his marinara is “a simmering sauce that you want to slather over everything.” Nuff said.

I made this on a drizzly Sunday afternoon. Nothing better than a house full of eau de marinara. We ended up just eating it over thin spaghetti that night topped with more parm and fresh basil. My freezer is happily storing the rest.

Marinara sauce making my house smell good.

Marinara shining on top of thin spaghetti.

Love you Mom

If you know Dan (and if you don’t, you need to!), you know that his friends call him “mom” because he feeds them so well when they visit. I relate to that since I play mom to everyone who visits. So, I was delighted after the book signing to discover that he signed my book “Love you mom.” So much fun!

After the signing, my daughter and I shopped a little and ended up at California Pizza Kitchen for dinner. When we sat down, we noticed Pelosi’s people (boyfriend Gus and friends/family) at a table across the restaurant. Sure enough, a bit later Dan walked in and joined them. He recognized us (or my daughter’s shirt more likely) and came over to say hi. He leaned against the booth and said something like “How’s it going Mom?”, and after I babbled like a worried mom about how tired he must be, he left with a little wave and a “See you on the plane, Mom.” Haha. Love him.


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