Easing Back into Baking
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Easing Back into Baking

January and February in the Pacific Northwest are sluggish at best. The cold, windy, rainy start to the year grants a license to hibernate. While I typically find it difficult to “do nothing,” this year I’ve done a pretty good job of doing just that. I keep looking at the stack of cookbooks begging for my attention. But mostly I’ve been sauntering by that stack to the couch where I’ve been instead making my way through the Oscar-nominated movies and binging Great British Bake Off (GBBO) episodes. Luckily, those GBBO episodes motivated me to pick up my new copy of Small Batch Bakes from Edd Kimber and make three cookie recipes: Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies, the Emergency Chocolate Chip Cookie, and Lime Coconut Macaroons.

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Frosted Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Frosted Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies

If you lived in Eugene, Oregon or went to college in Eugene during the 80s and into the 90s, I’m betting you remember The Cookie Cottage in Valley River Center (VRC) shopping mall. And if you were not in the vicinity of Eugene during this time, you’ll wish you were once you see the cookies I’m about to tell you about. The Cookie Cottage featured a black pot-bellied stove and they sold several warm cookie varieties — but their specialty (or the most original) was a large chocolate cookie covered in chocolate frosting with a marshmallow filling. They were on the south end of the mall outside of Meier & Frank (where I happened to work during college). Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any information on the internet to confirm which years they were at the mall. I do know that when I was in college, and not naming names, we would make a special trip to Valley River for one of these cookies. Several of my sorority sisters (and my own three sisters) still talk about the renowned chocolate marshmallow cookies. In the words of one of my favorite sisters in the bond, they were “a fine product.”

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One yolk. One white. The perfect baker’s dozen.
cookies Angie Hatfield cookies Angie Hatfield

One yolk. One white. The perfect baker’s dozen.

Just another exciting night sitting at home during the pandemic mindlessly scrolling through all the food on my Instagram feed, and a post from @buttermilkbysam jumped out at me. What’s that, you can make a “small batch” of cookies? Who knew? Somehow making a “small batch” lessened my guilt factor or at least there would be a finite amount to devour in one sitting. (This same idea must have been on the mind of whoever it was that decided it would be a good thing to sell a block of pre-scored cookie dough squares. I mean, who hasn’t bought these in a weak moment?) But sitting at home on this particular evening all cozy with no intent of venturing out, the idea of One Yolk, Six Perfect Chocolate Chunk Cookies hooked me. I was in. Time to whip up a small batch. But wait. As I read further, I discovered I could also make One Egg White, Seven Salted Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies. It was brilliant. The perfect baker’s dozen. So perfect, I need to share it with you.

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