Peanut-Butter Brownie Cookies from 100 Cookies
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Peanut-Butter Brownie Cookies from 100 Cookies

Move over pumpkin, the neighborhood kids want peanut butter and chocolate for Halloween. A recent article in USA Today shares data from that says America’s favorite overall Halloween candy is Reese’s Peanut Buter Cups. What’s not clear is if all the Reese’s variations are included in this count. In case you haven’t noticed, Hershey’s couldn’t stop at peanut butter cups (available in mini, regular and king size). Anyone who’s ever seen the E.T. movie has a soft spot for Reese’s Pieces. Today, you can lure E.T. with peanut butter cups stuffed with Reese’s Pieces, pretzels, potato chips, and even crunchy cookie bits. I was always partial to the Nutrageous bar, which is hard to find in stores. All this to say that I’ve been craving some peanut butter and chocolate and so turned to my 100 Cookies book. There it was on page 45, Sarah Kieffer’s #9 cookie called Brownie-Cookie with the option of dolloping a spoonful of peanut butter on top before baking. I was hooked. All I needed now was some more peanut butter in my chocolate. I added Reese’s Pieces, M&M’s Peanut Butter candies and some googly eyes. And a fine Halloween cookie was born.

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Peanut-Butter Monster Mash Cookies
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Peanut-Butter Monster Mash Cookies

With this year’s Halloween already being dubbed “quarantine-oween”, trick-or-treating won’t look quite the same. The good news is that families and businesses are coming up with creative ways to safely celebrate the holiday including handing out pre-packaged candy from a distance and setting up grab-and-go tables. Small in-house parties limited to immediate family or school-bubble buddies will most likely be popular this year as well. Luckily, little monsters and zombies can still experience the fun of choosing a costume (with a great mask) and indulge in the candy and sweets associated with Halloween. No need to go door-to-door. Instead, send the kids to the kitchen. Turn on Monster Mash and bake up a batch of Peanut-Butter Monster Mash Cookies.

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