Christmastime is tamale-time
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Christmastime is tamale-time

The abundance of great Mexican food is something our family has missed ever since moving from the Phoenix metro area back to the Pacific Northwest. Heck, my son grew up practically drinking salsa (true story). One year at Christmastime, my husband came home with tamales that his Hispanic colleagues had brought into the office. I was sold. Fast forward, years later we decided to embark on our own tamale-making family adventure. However, there’s no getting around the fact that tamales are time consuming. Lucky for me, I have my husband Ted (aka Theodoro at least when we take a Mexican vacation) to thank for taking the time to document our tamale-making process in writing and photos. Our favorite tamales are a chicken salsa verde version and although they may not necessarily be authentic, they are delicioso.

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