French Silk Pie Bars
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

French Silk Pie Bars

I’ve seen many mentions of and recipes for “French Silk Pie” in cookbooks and online over the years and never really gave it much thought. After all, I have a chocolate cream pie made of melted candy bars in my recipe vault handed down from a family member that’s a crowd pleaser and super easy to make. So, what led me to make French Silk Pie Bars? It all started a few months back when I posted my Brown Sugar Cookies followed by Neapolitan cookies, both from Sarah Kieffer’s 100 Cookies book. With so many cookies in the cookiesphere, I proposed the idea of making a new cookie each month and asked for requests. In response, my friend Nancy suggested Cookie #63 - French Silk Pie Bars. (What?! A cookie that involves pie crust?) Being easily distracted, sadly I did not follow through on making a new cookie in June or developing a list. (Please send me your requests now!) But I’m happy to report that I’m back on track (barely). Thanks to Nancy’s visit on July 29, I snuck in the French Silk Pie Bars as the July cookie. 

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