Cadbury Mini Egg Cookies
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Cadbury Mini Egg Cookies

If it seems like Easter snuck up on us this year, you’re right. Depending on the timing of the full moon and the equinox each year, Easter can fall on a Sunday anywhere between March 24 and April 25. So even if it doesn’t yet feel like spring, hippity hoppity, Easter’s on its way and time for spring baking! To get warmed up, and while deciding what to make for Easter day, I made these two versions of what Constellation Inspiration calls “the best Easter cookies.” A fudgy brownie version and a crackle verson both with Cadbury Mini Eggs. I had to make both to determine which one was truly the best.

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One yolk. One white. The perfect baker’s dozen.
cookies Angie Hatfield cookies Angie Hatfield

One yolk. One white. The perfect baker’s dozen.

Just another exciting night sitting at home during the pandemic mindlessly scrolling through all the food on my Instagram feed, and a post from @buttermilkbysam jumped out at me. What’s that, you can make a “small batch” of cookies? Who knew? Somehow making a “small batch” lessened my guilt factor or at least there would be a finite amount to devour in one sitting. (This same idea must have been on the mind of whoever it was that decided it would be a good thing to sell a block of pre-scored cookie dough squares. I mean, who hasn’t bought these in a weak moment?) But sitting at home on this particular evening all cozy with no intent of venturing out, the idea of One Yolk, Six Perfect Chocolate Chunk Cookies hooked me. I was in. Time to whip up a small batch. But wait. As I read further, I discovered I could also make One Egg White, Seven Salted Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies. It was brilliant. The perfect baker’s dozen. So perfect, I need to share it with you.

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