Double Strawberry-Pink Cupcakes
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Double Strawberry-Pink Cupcakes

If you live in the PNW, you know that spring typically needs some help when it comes to springing! April showers, and even hail, are real. I attribute the dreary weather with why I’ve been unmotivated in the kitchen and hence haven’t been writing here on my blog. (Well, that and we’re prepping for a big move that has me distracted!) But the promise of spring flowers, and longer days have me excited to start making all the pretty pastel Easter-y dishes and desserts. Cheery shades of yellow and orange, springy green, bright pink and even robin’s-egg blue are giving me inspiration. But for now, I want to share my spring dessert debut: Double Strawberry Cupcakes from Tieghan Gerard of Half Baked Harvest. These are chockful of strawberry goodness in the form of homemade strawberry jam and freeze-dried strawberries. Cupcakes that are sure to make you happy with that little sprig of chamomile smiling up at you.

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Coconut-Cardamom Cupcakes
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Coconut-Cardamom Cupcakes

Earlier this week my husband and I were just minding our own business eating dinner, totally oblivious to what was going on outside our windows. When we went upstairs to close the blinds, we were delighted to see snow coming down steadily. The next morning (coincidentally it was “Twosday” 2/22/22) we woke up to glorious sunshine sparkling across a blanket of snow and lighting up a stretch of dark Pacific NW winter days. I’m typically over the snow after Christmas but this time it felt like nature was giving me an opportunity to reset and start the year fresh with new hope. The wintry view also put me in a baking mood and reminded me that I had wanted (back in December) to make the Coconut-Cardamom Cupcakes from Sarah Kieffer’s Baking for the Holidays cookbook. Lucky for me, this recipe is listed in the “Beyond Christmas” section so I had all the permission I needed. Also, I serendipitously had some freshly ground cardamom in my pantry waiting for just the right recipe.

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