Blueberries and beyond
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Blueberries and beyond

Blue (any shade of blue) has been my favorite color since childhood. So my love for blueberries may be preordained. Besides being a delicious superfood full of good things like antioxidants, phytoflavinoids, potassium and vitamin C, blueberries win the blue ribbon in the “stays fresh” and “freezes nicely” categories.

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Seven summer-lovin’ salads
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Seven summer-lovin’ salads

It’s summertime! Pour a glass of rosé, crank the tunes and start chopping!

Salad is the perfect summertime meal. There are so many seasonal fruit and veggie options for creating your own masterpiece. Look no further than your own backyard or windowsill garden. Or visit a local farmer’s market and pick from the colorful array of deliciousness on display. 

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