Delicious Pumpkin Bread Recipes
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Delicious Pumpkin Bread Recipes

Have you ever stopped to think about why banana bread is one of the items that people overwhelmingly chose to bake during the pandemic? Why not pumpkin or some other quick bread? I’d wager to say that banana bread is seasonally agnostic and popular throughout the year. Plus, it makes us feel like we are doing our part when we use up the overripe bananas on the counter. A beautiful thing about quick breads is that they are very approachable. No yeast or proofing times are involved. Typically, these easy breads require one bowl, one stirring utensil and a loaf pan. There must be thousands of banana bread recipes on the internet. A quick Instagram look this morning tells me that #bananabread has over two million posts (2,058,899), while #pumpkinbread has a mere 183,104 posts. Pumpkin, somewhat surprisingly, beat out zucchini bread (85,923 posts). While I’ve tried several banana bread riffs, it’s hard to believe that I’ve made the same pumpkin bread recipe for the past 20 years. So today I’m stepping out. I made a new recipe for pumpkin bread that includes a dusting of cinnamon and sugar before going into the oven. And she’s gourd-geous.

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