Bistro Dungeness Crab Stacks
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Bistro Dungeness Crab Stacks

Living on the west coast, we love our seafood and especially Dungeness crab. Crabbing season can be year around depending on whether you’re in California, Oregon or Washington with winter being prime time for the Pacific Northwest. Yet, the price of crab (especially fresh crab meat out of the shell) and the temperamental season and rules around crabbing mean Dungeness crab is not always available at Christmas. We like to have some kind of seafood around Christmas and in past years have had homemade clam chowder in sourdough bowls for Christmas Eve. Since 2020 is one for the books, I figured it called for splurging on crab! My hubby picked up a half pound of fresh crab meat at Gemini Fish Market east of Seattle to make these impressive Bistro Crab Stacks for our Christmas Day menu.

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