Quick pickling: It’s no big dill
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Quick pickling: It’s no big dill

For someone with memories of my mom in the kitchen for days at a time canning jar after jar of dill and bread & butter pickles, pickling never was on my radar as something I wanted to try. But in recent years, I’ve benefited from the pickling efforts of my self-proclaimed “food sister.” She’s pickled cucumbers, beets, carrots, green beans, jalapeños, banana peppers … you get the picture. Anything from her garden is fair game for pickling. But when she said she makes both “pickles” and “refrigerator pickles” and started tossing around words like “ferment,” I decided to take a closer look.

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Random Monday-night dinner win!
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Random Monday-night dinner win!

I was quite proud of the little dinner I whipped up on a recent random Monday night. Sometimes it’s hard to get motivated to cook dinner for just two. But the fact that we love to eat and my husband is always appreciative of whatever I cook up, definitely helps!

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Seven summer-lovin’ salads
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Seven summer-lovin’ salads

It’s summertime! Pour a glass of rosé, crank the tunes and start chopping!

Salad is the perfect summertime meal. There are so many seasonal fruit and veggie options for creating your own masterpiece. Look no further than your own backyard or windowsill garden. Or visit a local farmer’s market and pick from the colorful array of deliciousness on display. 

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