Perfecting Pie Crust
Angie Hatfield Angie Hatfield

Perfecting Pie Crust

Last weekend was a rainy but perfect mother-daughter time. I mean what could be better than books, shopping and making PIE?! We spent an excessive amount of time in the delightful Vivienne Portland’s Culinary Bookstore (think cookbooks old and new, colorful linens and trays, consigned kitchenware, cute olive oils … oh my!) and went to a pie class! The focus of the class, taught by Chef Luca, was on pie skills and perfecting pie dough. I’ve always been intimidated making pie crust and get inconsistent results. But, upon taking his class and coming to the revelation (thanks to Luca) that my inner pie creativity will be unleashed once I master the art of pie pastry – I can’t stop dreaming about pie. I may even have spent all this morning going through Sister Pie and Pie Camp making a list of “pies to make.” Figure I can start practicing now and be a pro by Thanksgiving.

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